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Services Offered
Prenatal, labor/delivery and postpartum care by experienced midwives
24/7 Emergency access to your midwife​
Referrals for labs and sonograms
Recommendations for doulas, chiropractors and placental encapsulation
While in labor:
You are encouraged to eat and drink as you wish
Baby monitored
Free movement
A variety of birthing options, to include birth stool, birth ball, and rebozo
We support and encourage multiple position changes throughout labor
Special Delivery Midwifery Services
Call for current fee
The fee includes:
Routine prenatal visits (up to 10 visits)
Labor, birth and immediate postpartum care for mom and baby
Postpartum visit at 24-48 hours
(a $500 non-refundable deposit is due at the first visit)
This fee DOES NOT include:
Birth supplies ($110.00)
Basic OB profile ($160.00)
GBS Screen ($40.00)
Birth Assistant Fee
Two Newborn Screens ($65.00 x 2)
Prenatal visits after the 10th visit ($75.00 each)
Any lab test other than those stated above
Childbirth classes ($300.00)
Any referred services (i.e., Sonograms, Chiropractors, Doulas, etc.,)
A $500 discount will be applied when all fees are paid by 36 weeks
All payments must be received by the 36th week of gestation,
as calculated by LMP and/or ultrasound/sonogram at first appointment.
Special Delivery Midwifery Services has the ability to receive
payments through Venmo, Cash or via Check.
*Please add 4% to any electronic payments, unless using "Friends and Family" option.
If payment is not paid in full by 36 weeks gestation, the contract for services will be considered null and voice
(unless special arrangements were agreed upon).
Insurances/Health Sharing Plans
We are currently taking Medishare,
Christian Healthcare Ministries and
Samaritan Ministries health sharing plans.
In addition, many personal health insurances
may cover associated lab costs.
**Prices are valid through December 31, 2023
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